Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) Carroll Campus has announced a new partnership with TechWise to bring a unique opportunity to local students. According to DMACC Carroll Campus Provost Joel Lundstrom, the program was created to prepare students for a future career in computer languages.
This is an 18-month virtual training program with 120 students selected nationally; however, an estimated ten to 15 students will be selected from DMACC. Lundstrom adds that most students in the program are already in a tech-related field. Students will receive a total of $5,000 to help with expenses and a fully-funded scholarship so they can focus completely on their learning goals.
Individuals interested in building a great tech career are encouraged to apply. However, this year’s application period has closed. Lundstrom encourages students still interested to reach out.
Lundstrom adds there is a screening period during the application process, and the goal is to place all accepted applicants with a Google internship or another Fortune 500 company they work with at the end of the program. Again, those interested in applying are encouraged to contact DMACC Provost Joel Lundstrom, and his contact points are included with this story on our website.