Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Department of Education are joining a nationwide campaign to encourage overall wellness in kids. The DON’T QUIT! fitness campaign is a partnership between the National Foundation for Governors’ Fitness Councils (NFGFC) that was created to reverse growing trends of childhood mental illness and obesity. Reynolds says, “Since becoming governor, my administration has made historic investments in Iowa’s mental health, including the first-ever children’s mental health system in our state. I believe in supporting mental health in a variety of ways and am excited about how the DON’T QUIT! campaign can help improve school-age children’s mental and physical health by providing fitness centers for three Iowa schools.” The application period for schools interested in the program opened yesterday (Tuesday) and closes on Sunday, March 26. Selected applicants will receive a DON’T QUIT! Fitness Center in their district, valued at $100,000. The NFGFC plans to build a nation of the fittest, healthiest kids in the world and has provided centers in 42 states and Washington, D.C. Links to the application materials and more information about the program are included below.