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Monday Marked Key Date For Iowa Farmers To Kick Off Planting Season

Yesterday (Monday) marked a key date for Iowa farmers looking to get into the fields as soon as possible for the upcoming spring planting season. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig says, “April 10 marks the earliest date to plant corn and remain eligible for federal crop insurance. That means we should begin seeing planters in the fields this week. Farmers can take advantage of the quieter weather pattern, unseasonably warm conditions, and increasing soil temperatures to jumpstart their spring fieldwork.” According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, producers had 3.5 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending April 9. To date, an estimated 13 percent of the anticipated oat crop has been planted, one day ahead of last year but one day behind the five-year average. Topsoil moisture conditions rated just three percent very short and 19 percent short. As for subsoil, ratings were seven percent very short and 27 percent short statewide. The complete Iowa Crop Progress and Condition Report is available online at www.nass.usda.gov.   

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