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Carroll RAGBRAI Committee Launches Website As Central Info Hub For Riders, Visitors, And Volunteers


The Carroll RAGBRAI committee has launched its website dedicated to all things RABGRAI-related. On July 24, Carroll will host tens of thousands of riders and support crews in what is expected to be the largest RAGBRAI ever in its 50-year history. The new website,, is a one-stop shop for volunteers, sponsors, vendors, and visitors looking for a place to stay. According to the committee, the site provides easy access to all the information needed to participate in the event. Visitors can easily find ways to volunteer, sponsor events, register as a vendor, or find a place to stay. The committee is excited to showcase the community’s unique attractions and amenities, centered on the “You’ll Have a Barrel of Fun” theme. They hope to make it easy for visitors to plan their stay and make the most of their time in the community. The committee says they are still looking for volunteers and sponsors for the event. Those interested can visit to learn more and sign up.