South Central Calhoun (SCC) students will head to Texas later this week to compete in an academic decathlon against teams from across the nation. Students depart on Wednesday, April 26, with the competition running from Thursday through Saturday in Frisco, Texas. Marleta Smith, the teacher at SCC who coaches the decathlon team, says students will compete in 10 different events.
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Smith says the team had to qualify for the contest by competing in one of four different regionals in Iowa. After the regional competition, the top 24 scoring teams moved on to the state competition which was held in March. Two teams, one from the large school and one from the small school brackets advanced to the national competition. Smith says each of the ten events is worth a thousand points.
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The SCC decathlon team is taking 11 students. Eight will compete, while the other three will act as alternates. Smith says the students participating will learn valuable skills that will last them a lifetime.
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After the competition, students will have a few days to experience the city. Again, this year’s national event takes place from April 27 through April 29 in Frisco, Texas.