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Gov. Reynolds Announces $1.5 Million Grant To Help High School Students Explore Future Careers

Governor Kim Reynolds has announced up to $1.5 million in funding has been made available for work-based learning programs to help high school students explore future career opportunities. The Statewide Intermediary Work-based Learning Grant program facilitates students’ direct contact with potential employers, allowing them to make informed decisions about postsecondary education and their career paths. The new grant is open to Iowa educational organizations, community colleges, nonprofit organizations, local workforce development boards, and other similar entities that can provide sustained interactions with professionals in a real worksite environment. The grant aims to encourage the creation and development of work-based learning programs, such as internships, job shadowing experiences, or apprenticeable occupations, in targeted industries. Gov. Kim Reynolds says, “We understand that by investing in our kids, we are investing in our future. Work-based learning helps show students that opportunities exist beyond just a four-year degree. By connecting high school students with local businesses for work-based learning opportunities, Iowa is providing students with the best environment for them to succeed.” Grant funding may be used for expenses related to the successful implementation of a work-based learning program, including staff salary and benefits, transportation, materials and supplies, or other related expenses. Applicants must match at least 25 percent of the grant award using public funds, private donations, or in-kind contributions. Applications for funding will be accepted on www.IowaGrants.gov through June 2. Interested applicants can attend a webinar scheduled for May 11 to ask questions and learn more about the grant. Links to those resources are included below.







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