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Thank Your Local School Officials During Iowa School Board Recognition Month


May is Iowa School Board Recognition Month, and Carroll Community School District (CCSD) Superintendent, Dr. Casey Berlau, says it is a prime opportunity to recognize the 2,000+ Iowans who help govern their local educational institutions. Serving on a school board is often a thankless job, as it is unpaid and a significant time commitment. Berlau says it is important to remember these school officials are essentially volunteers.

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The Iowa Association of School Board’s 2023 theme is “Developing Iowa’s Future Together,” and emphasizes the role school board members play in ensuring that Iowa’s students have the building blocks they need for future success. Berlau says board members serve as a reflection of the community’s ideals to reach that goal.

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While school boards are not directly involved in the day-to-day operations of a school, he says they need to be well-versed in a variety of different fields to be effective.

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Berlau encourages parents, guardians, and stakeholders to take a moment the next time they see a local school board member and offer them a word of gratitude.

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IASB has developed a toolkit with school board facts, graphics, and other resources. Community members are encouraged to visit to access these resources and show appreciation for local school board members’ hard work and dedication.