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Carroll County Supervisors Schedule Final FY23 Budget Amendment Hearing For May 22 Meeting

The Carroll County Board of Supervisors has scheduled a public hearing for the final budget amendment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 for later this month. According to County Auditor Kourtney Payer, the adjustment reflects only a $35,800 shift in the budget. She says most of the expense increases originate from Carroll County Conservation.

Payer says they also need to adjust for unanticipated salary expenses for staff at the Carroll County jail. She notes that line item is easily accounted for through room-and-board revenue the facility has brought in this year.

Payer says this portion of the amendment has a zero net effect on the overall budget, but it needs to be updated to reflect expenses within the department accurately. Carroll County Public Health also required a similar adjustment.

With all factors considered, the budget amendment will have a net positive impact on the overall budget. The supervisors voted unanimously to schedule the FY23 budget amendment for 9:30 a.m. during their Monday, May 22 meeting at the courthouse. Such modifications are commonplace for municipal governments, especially as the fiscal year winds down over the next seven weeks.

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