Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds issued a disaster proclamation yesterday (Tuesday) in response to severe weather that struck Pocahontas County on Friday, May 12. The order activates resources to help affected Iowans recover from the storm’s effects. This includes the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program, which provides up to $5,000 to households with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level. The funds can be used for home or car repairs, clothing and food replacement reimbursement, and temporary housing expenses. Eligible applicants have 45 days from the proclamation’s issuance to submit their claims. Tuesday’s order also activates the Disaster Case Management Program, which allows Iowans access to disaster case managers. Residents participating in this program receive assistance in developing a disaster recovery plan and referrals to available services or resources. The Disaster Case Management Program is open for six months. Links to more information on these programs, including application forms, are included with this story on our website.