As the focus on mental health concerns rises nationwide, Manning Regional Healthcare Center (MRHC) is upping the resources offered at their facility with staffing adjustments. To address this increasing need, MRHC is prioritizing mental health support for people of all ages. Hollie Schechinger, a counselor at the Recovery Center, will become a full-time mental health counselor, serving patients 12 years of age and older beginning in June. MRHC recognizes the need for personalized mental health services and offers various treatment options. The CDC reports that one in five people, including children, will experience mental illness. Warning signs in children and adults include behavioral changes, difficulty sleeping, self-harm, or eating problems, to name just a few. MRHC encourages seeking professional help when needed. If you need additional information or want to discuss support, please schedule an appointment with your primary care physician by calling 712-655-8100 to discuss treatment options. For those 65 and older, call Senior Life Solutions at 712-655-8262, or contact the Manning Recovery Center at 712-655-2300.