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Rep. Feenstra Issues Statement On House’s Passage Of U.S. Debt Ceiling Deal


Iowa’s 4th District Representative, Randy Feenstra, issued a statement last night (Wednesday) following the House’s passage of the Fiscal Responsibility Act in response to the looming federal debt ceiling crisis. The tenuous agreement reached between House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and President Joe Biden was approved on a 314 to 117 vote. The deal left both parties disappointed, as Republicans argue the Fiscal Responsibility Act does not do enough to curb federal spending, while Democrats objected to work requirements for Americans enrolled in food assistance programs. Feenstra, who supported the bill, says, “Today, we avoided financial ruin for Iowa farmers, families, and main street businesses with the passage of this measure. While imperfect, this bill includes many important long-term spending controls and enables us to pass real, comprehensive spending reform. Passage of this bill is an important first step in restoring fiscal sanity in Congress. The next step is firing Joe Biden and electing fiscal conservative majorities to Congress who are serious about getting America’s fiscal house in order.” According to the U.S. Treasury, the national debt currently stands at $31.46 trillion, compared to $21.22 trillion in 2013. The bill now heads to the U.S. Senate, where it is expected to pass quickly.