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Crop Conditions Improve Moving Into Hottest Month Of The Year

Some much-needed rain across Iowa helped push crop condition ratings higher in the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Crop Progress and Condition Report. For the week ending July 2, farmers had 5.1 days suitable for fieldwork, primarily cutting hay and spraying crops. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig says, “A particularly dry June ended with unseasonably wet conditions across the southern third of Iowa, which saw several rounds of strong thunderstorms due to a more active weather pattern…outlooks are showing the potential for cooler and wetter conditions over the next few weeks, which is a pivotal period for soybean development, and corn tasseling and pollination.” Topsoil moisture conditions rated 55 percent short to very short, 44 percent adequate, and one percent surplus. Subsoil moisture conditions registered 61 percent short to very short, 38 percent adequate, and one percent surplus. An estimated four percent of corn is now silking, as corn condition rating improved to 61 percent good to excellent. Nearly a quarter of soybeans were blooming, five days ahead of last year and two days ahead of the five-year average. There were also scattered reports of soybeans beginning to set pods. Soybean conditions rose to 53 percent good to excellent on the week. The complete USDA Iowa Crop Progress and Condition Report is available online at www.nass.usda.gov.

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