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Iowa’s 2023 Traffic Fatality Count 20% Higher Than Average, State Launches Speed Awareness Campaign


Traffic fatalities in Iowa so far this year are 20 percent higher than the five-year average, and Iowa law enforcement agencies are responding with a statewide effort targeting excessive speed. The Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) is joining forces with law enforcement to raise awareness about the dangers of speeding and encourage drivers to adhere to speed limits. On Wednesday, July 26, Iowa agencies will participate in a Speed Awareness Campaign alongside ten other states. During this period, local law enforcement will be on heightened alert for speeding vehicles and motorcycles. Speeding is among the most influential factors in severe injury or fatal accidents. It reduces a driver’s ability to safely maneuver around other vehicles, obstacles, or unexpected curves, and even modern systems have limitations in preventing the worst effects of a high-speed crash. Notably, Iowa witnessed a 25% increase in speeding-related fatalities from 2020 to 2021. Last year, speeding-related crashes claimed the lives of 84 individuals on the state’s roads, accounting for almost a quarter of all crash-related deaths. GTSB Bureau Chief Brett Tjepkes says, “We are asking drivers to please slow down. Our goal is to save lives, and we’re putting all drivers on alert — the posted speed limit is the law. No excuses. On July 26 drivers will notice extra law enforcement on Iowa’s roads. If drivers choose to exceed the posted limit, they can expect a citation.” As of July 20, the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) has recorded 194 traffic fatalities in 2023, 34 deaths higher than the five-year average and 22 above the high of the last five years.