It is almost back-to-school time in Iowa, and teachers, students, and families from throughout the area are gearing up for another year of education. Each year, Carroll Broadcasting checks in with regional superintendents for the latest information on their respective school districts. Beginning with the Carroll Community School District (CCSD), Superintendent Dr. Casey Berlau says their facilities are in tip-top shape as they ready for open houses, staff’s return, and the first day of school.
Berlau adds they are actively working to schedule a time for HVAC improvements to the gymnasiums/lunchrooms at the middle school and Fairview. CCSD’s open houses are scheduled for Monday, Aug. 21, from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Adams, Fairview, and the Carroll Middle School. Orientation for high schoolers will be hosted that same day: seniors at 3:30 p.m., juniors at 4:30 p.m., sophomores at 5:30 p.m., and freshmen at 6:30 p.m. Berlau says it is an excellent opportunity for students to acquaint themselves with their teachers and schedules before they head back to class.
Berlau says CCSD’s stakeholders will have two questions on the ballot in November during the city and school elections: the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) revenue purpose statement and the Instructional Support Levy (ISL) renewal.
The ISL generates around $1 million per year for the district, which has helped maintain in-town busing services, concurrent enrollment through DMACC, and much more. A committee has been created to help inform the public about the ISL’s many uses, and voters should expect to hear from them frequently in the months ahead. The district is welcoming 24 new teachers to their staff this year, and they will report for training on Monday, Aug. 14. All staff returns on Wednesday, Aug. 16, to prepare for the first day of classes on Wednesday, Aug. 23. Berlau encourages families to start working now to make the shift to the school day schedule easier.
He says to enjoy the few weeks of summer break that are left, as things will get busy as extracurricular activities begin in earnest. Online registration is still available at under the “Parents” tab for families that have not yet completed those required forms.