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Breda receives award from the Healthiest State Initiative

Little Breda’s dedication to healthy living drew the attention of the entire state last night for Iowa’s Healthiest Initiative when Lieutenant Governor Adam Gregg spoke at Breda Memorial Park. Gregg says this isn’t their first rodeo.

Most of the town delivered on their promise to walk for at least half an hour last night. There is a good reason for a walk versus a marathon race. Gregg explains the decision to walk Iowa’s way to better health.

October is officially the “healthiest state month” in Iowa. Gregg illustrated that by handing Breda Mayor Danny Snyder some parchment paper last night.

An overall dedication to health by everyone in Iowa can mean a reduced reliance on the state’s healthcare system. Gregg says that commitment comes with a monetary renumeration.

Learn more about the Iowa Healthiest State Initiative at www.iowahealthieststate.com.

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