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CCSD Hosts Informational Meeting On Proposed ISL Renewal And Revenue Purpose Statement At DMACC Tuesday


Officials with the Carroll Community School District (CCSD) invite the public to join them tomorrow (Tuesday) evening for an informational meeting on the proposed instructional support levy (ISL) renewal that will be on the ballot during the Nov. 7 city/school elections. Beginning at 6 p.m. in the Knott Commons at the Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) Carroll Campus, attendees will hear a brief presentation on the ISL, including how the levy is calculated and what the additional funding helps to support. A question-and-answer session with school officials will follow. School officials will also discuss the revenue purpose statement on the ballot. Approval would not implement an additional tax on CCSD stakeholders; instead, it would allow the district to borrow against future Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) funds, more commonly known as the one-cent statewide sales tax. Those unable to attend Tuesday’s informational session are encouraged to visit