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Justin McCool Challenges Incument For Ward 4 Carroll City Council Seat

Justin McCool is one of two candidates who have thrown their hat into the ring for the Carroll City Council Ward 4 election that will be on the ballot for voters on Nov. 7. McCool first moved to Carroll in 2006 after serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. He is currently employed by Seaboard Foods of Iowa as a logistics supervisor, and he is the co-owner of a vending machine company in the area. McCool says he decided to run to bring a new point of view to city leadership.

McCool agrees with the other candidates that housing is one of the primary concerns for Carroll overall. However, he believes too much focus is being put on higher-end housing. McCool says he’d look to invest more in starter homes and workforce housing if elected.

Another issue that has appeared frequently on the city council’s agenda over the last 20+ years is train horn mitigation for the city. McCool says he sees both sides of this issue but favors some form of action from the council.

According to McCool, one of the most important things a councilperson can do is be available to their constituents, and he promises to do so when on the council.

McCool is scheduled to appear in the upcoming Carroll County Growth Partnership (CCGP) candidate forum on Wednesday, Oct. 25, at 6:30 p.m. in the Carroll High School auditorium. Other candidates scheduled to appear are Jerry Fleshner for Mayor, Jason Atherton for Ward 2, LaVern Dirkx for at-large, and McCool and Carolyn Siemann for the Ward 4 seat.

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