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Carroll Man Charged In Connection To June Death Of Lohrville Child

A Carroll man has been charged in Calhoun County District Court in connection to the June shooting death of a Lohrville child. According to the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI), six-year-old Alexzander Pope was found dead of an accidental gunshot wound in a home in the 500 block of Maple Street on June 16. Twenty-eight-year-old Justin Richard Pope turned himself into the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office last week on outstanding warrants for child endangerment causing death, a class B felony, and making firearms available to a minor, a serious misdemeanor. Authorities allege Pope left loaded handguns within reach of children in the home, which led to the young Pope’s death. A class B felony in Iowa carries a maximum penalty of up to 25 years in prison.

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