The City of Arcadia is one of three Iowa communities selected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to receive funding for drinking and sanitary wastewater system improvements. The Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant program awarded Arcadia an $800,000 low-interest loan to finance a new 150,000-gallon water tower and water main piping. Upon completion, this upgrade will reduce water loss, uphold water quality standards, and promote the health and safety of residents and visitors to Arcadia. Two other western Iowa communities were also selected for funding in last week’s announcement. The City of Deloit in Crawford County will receive a $580,000 USDA loan to repair its wastewater collection system through infiltration and inflow component repairs. These improvements are necessary to help the community comply with water quality standards. The City of Ute in Monona County also received a $809,000 loan and a $900,000 grant from the USDA for significant overhauls to their community’s water system. USDA Rural Development State Director Theresa Greenfield says, “Iowans depend on clean water for their health and well-being. Since day one, the Biden-Harris administration has been delivering funding resources to improve water and wastewater systems, eliminate lead in pipes, and ensure access to clean water across Iowa.” The $3.089 million awarded through the USDA is part of a larger $5 billion announcement of projects nationwide.