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IALF Webinar Highlights Ostrich Farming In Iowa At Audubon County Farm


An Audubon County farm will be the focus of an upcoming Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation presentation on the ins and outs of raising ostriches. Students will join in on a unique virtual journey to discover the world of ostrich farming during the upcoming Ag in Action: All About Poultry FarmChat event on Friday, Dec. 8, at 9:30 a.m. The IALF hosts the program in conjunction with the Iowa Turkey Federation (ITF). Ag in Action is part of a series that runs through January and seeks to bridge the gap between agriculture and students’ daily lives. IALF Director Kelly Foss says, “Our goal is to showcase the agricultural connection and make learning relevant.” The FarmChat series covers diverse topics, including turkey farming, unique poultry, and food safety. This curriculum includes units tailored for elementary, middle, and high school students, encouraging participation and offering a contest to create a poultry product marketing plan. Teachers and students in grades 3-12 across Iowa are encouraged to participate in this insightful and interactive learning opportunity by registering through the link included below.
