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Iowa Law Enforcement Agencies Launch Holiday Enforcement With Focus On Drunk Driving


Law enforcement agencies in Iowa are teaming up with the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) to combat drunk driving during the holiday season. From Dec. 15 to Jan. 1, a high-visibility enforcement campaign aims to deter drivers from getting behind the wheel after drinking. Increased celebrations and gatherings during this period typically result in a rise in impaired driving incidents. In 2022, preliminary data revealed that 35 percent of Iowa’s fatal crashes involved impaired drivers. Last December alone, nearly 1,100 drivers faced charges of operating while intoxicated (OWI) on Iowa roads, with a quarter of those being repeat offenders. Impaired Driving Program Administrator Todd Olmstead says, “Drunk driving isn’t just dangerous, it’s illegal. Drivers have a choice: follow the law and respect their fellow drivers by refraining from drunk driving, or make the choice to drive drunk, put others at risk, and risk their own mortality. We need a commitment from every driver to keep the roads free of drunk drivers so that everyone can have a safe holiday.” The GTSB and law enforcement urge drivers to plan ahead before heading out, suggesting options like designating a sober driver, using rideshare services, or local sober ride programs.