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Crawford County Recreation And Wellness Center Awarded $1 Million CAT Grant


The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) Enhance Iowa Board has selected Crawford County for a $1 million Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) grant to construct a new recreation and wellness center in Denison. After reviewing the many applications for the highly competitive funding, officials announced last week that Denison’s approximately $18.56 million project would receive financial backing from the state. The CAT grant is a significant milestone for the project, which has raised nearly $15 million, or more than 75 percent of their goal. The proposed Crawford County Recreation and Wellness Center will feature an indoor walking track, a full-sized multi-use basketball, volleyball, and pickleball court, two indoor soccer fields, a workout space, an aerobics room, and a community meeting room. Three other projects were named in this latest round of funding, including a community center in Doon, a splash pad in Huxley, and a trail connecting Lake Park and Spirit Lake.