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Iowa Sec. Of Ag Launches New Dairy Innovation Grant Program


Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced the launch of a new Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grant Program, an initiative to promote on-farm dairy processing, reduce farm labor costs, and increase the availability of Iowa dairy products for consumers. The program, authorized during the 2023 legislative session, has an initial budget of $750,000 for its first year. The grants are designed to assist smaller dairies and farmers by providing matching funds of up to $100,000 per project. It aligns with the success of other Iowa cost-share grant programs, such as the Choose Iowa Value-Added Grant and the Butchery Innovation and Revitalization Program, all aimed at enhancing local food availability and processing capacity. Applications are open to Iowa-based dairies with fewer than 50 employees, with eligible projects including investments in pasteurization equipment, processing vats, robotic technology, and more. The application deadline is Feb. 9, with grant recipients set to be announced in March. Additional details, including application materials, can be found included below.
