Upper Des Moines Opportunity, Inc. (UDMO) is conducting a survey beginning this week to gauge and address homelessness in northwestern Iowa. The organization will conduct a point-in-time homelessness count starting on Wednesday, Jan. 24. The initiative aims to measure the extent of homelessness in the community and provide necessary support to those affected by it. Individuals experiencing homelessness or anyone aware of such situations are asked to contact UDMO at 515-269-7105. A short survey will be conducted to gather information about the homelessness situation. The UDMO Housing Programs assist homeless individuals, providing resources such as rental deposits and short-term rental payments to break down barriers and support individuals on their path to self-sufficiency. Homelessness can take various forms in rural areas, including living in cars, campgrounds, garages, and more. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) mandates the point-in-time count annually. Beginning Jan. 24, staff will travel through communities, identifying individuals who appear homeless. The data collected influences Iowa’s funding allocations from HUD. To be included, individuals must meet the literal homelessness definition, having slept in a place not meant for human habitation on the night of Jan. 24. For more information, visit the UDMO Housing Program site, included below.