lang="en-US"> Rep. Randy Feenstra Visits Loring Hospital In Sac City – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Rep. Randy Feenstra Visits Loring Hospital In Sac City


Yesterday afternoon (Tuesday), Iowa District 4 Representative Randy Feenstra visited Loring Hospital in Sac City to tour the facility and talk with staff on his efforts to protect Medicare and to build up a strong healthcare workforce in rural communities. Feenstra met with Loring Hospital CEO Matt Johnson, who showed the representative plans for the addition onto the hospital, which will expand health care opportunities for the Sac City and surrounding communities. While touring the building, Feenstra shook the hands of many staff members, thanking them for everything they do, and assuring them that he is fighting for rural hospitals at the federal level.

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Feenstra sat down with staff after the tour to address any questions or concerns that they might have. One topic that was brought up was about Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) undercutting hospitals from the two percent of the cost they are supposed to receive per the contract from the federal government. Feenstra says he is well aware of the situation, and that CMS is looking through the lens at bigger, more urbanized hospitals who can take the Medicare/Medicaid cuts without needing to halt operations.

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Feenstra says another issue that rural hospitals face are staffing shortages, as the doctors and staff are the backbone that keep everything running, and Feenstra wants to encourage professionals to stay in the rural communities.

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Pictures from Feenstra’s visit to Loring Hospital are included below.

Feenstra was greeted by Loring Hospital’s CEO Matt Johnson.
Johnson shows layout and explains new addition that will be constructed on hospital.


Last two pictures: Feenstra greeted staff, thanking them for the services they provide