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Grassroots Group Pursues Multi-Cultural Acceptance In Carroll

A group of Carroll residents, referring to themselves as “All Cultures Are Equal,” says they are actively working to make Carroll a more welcoming place to people of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The group started meeting informally nearly two years ago to assist Ukrainians displaced by the Russian invasion. Jim Friel, who sits on the group’s 13-member steering committee, says they broadened their target demographic as they met further.

It became apparent Carroll was ill-equipped to handle refugees due to language barriers, differences in faith backgrounds, and more. Instead, the group shifted its focus to finding ways to support newcomers to Carroll who don’t fit the traditional mold.

Friel says “recruit” does not mean relocating busloads of immigrants and dropping them off in Carroll. He says companies like Pella transport workers to their facility here in town from an hour-plus away to work, and they return home to spend the wages they earn here in other places.

Friel says this effort is still in its very early stages, and they have many problems to solve. The housing stock is already tight for current residents, and that is just a starting point. Friel says they are just looking to get the ball rolling to see what is possible.

Friel adds they are still just getting started and don’t even have a firm goal set as of yet. He says they haven’t started developing housing plans or workforce integration guidelines. Friel says they want to have the community involved and to be transparent.

His contact points are included below.



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