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Lake View Chief Of Police Completed FBI-LEEDA Trilogy Course

Lake View Police Department Chief Christopher Jochims recently completed the FBI-Law Enforcement Executive Development Association (LEEDA) Trilogy course, emphasizing law enforcement leadership within the department and the community. Jochims says FBI-LEEDA is not associated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation but rather a non-profit focused on improving law enforcement management throughout the United States.

Jochims started the LEEDA trilogy in October 2023 and finished taking the final class just this month. Jochims says each course lasted five days and dove into specific topics on law enforcement leadership.

FBI-LEEDA offers law enforcement seeking leadership positions with these courses throughout the United States, and Jochims encourages all in an overseeing role to take this course.

Law enforcement interested in taking the FBI-LEEDA Trilogy course can register for a class by visiting their website: https://fbileeda.org.

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