The Lake City Council will be holding a special meeting next week, Feb. 27, at the Community Building starting at 6 p.m in regards to the building’s proposed updates. The meeting will start with a tour and summary of the building by the Community Building Board, followed by a presentation by Virginia Sheffield and a discussion of the future and organization of the building. It was initially proposed to turn the second story of the structure into a museum, representing the history of Lake City. With no support financially to back this up, the idea was tabled for a later date. During yesterday’s (Monday) meeting, the city council asked City Administrator Jacob Matthews to set up a special meeting at the Community Building to discuss details on ideas about this proposal and how funds will be allocated. The city council initially pledged $30,000 of LOST funding to the project, but that has been resigned at a previous meeting. The Lake City Council invites the public to join them, the Community Building Board, and the manager during the special meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 27, starting at 6 p.m. at the Community Building in Lake City.