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Rep. Randy Feenstra Visited The Bakery On Broadway In Audubon, Discussing Daycare Solutions And Border Security

District 4 U.S. Representative Randy Feenstra met with around 15 constituents during the What’s Happening series at the Bakery On Broadway in Audubon this morning (Tuesday). Feenstra started the discussion by introducing items he is currently working on for daycare incentives.

After discussing more of his work on the Farm Bill, grant programs for rural communities to use for their emergency medical services (EMS), and ways to lower taxes or give more money back to small businesses, Feenstra opened the talk to attendees, asking them to address issues that they were concerned about. The biggest concern addressed was border security and how Feenstra didn’t support the new border bill.

Feenstra was met with comments from community members, claiming he didn’t support the border bill, that the Rep. didn’t vote to give federal money to Audubon County to assist with infrastructure, and how he turned against his words when addressing the pipeline. Feenstra explained bills he is working on to help these concerns but was interrupted by questioners. Feenstra ended the discussion by saying he understands where Audubon community members are coming from.

Flyers from today’s (Tuesday’s) discussion have been included below.


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