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GTSB Announces St. Patrick’s Day Enforcement Program With Emphasis On Impaired Driving

The Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau (GTSB) is teaming up with police departments, sheriff’s offices, and other agencies throughout the state beginning next week for a St. Patrick’s Day-centric traffic enforcement program. Starting Wednesday, March 13, and running through Thursday, March 21, the GTSB’s focus is on impaired drivers with the theme, “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving.” As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, the GTSB anticipates increased alcohol consumption, especially since the holiday falls on a Sunday this year. Last March, Iowa recorded 26 traffic fatalities on Iowa roads, with almost 40 percent of those deaths occurring during the week of St. Patrick’s Day. Recognizing the potential dangers, the GTSB urges everyone to celebrate responsibly, emphasizing the importance of planning to avoid impaired driving. GTSB Bureau Chief Brett Tjepkes says, “Don’t turn a day of fun into a tragic and devastating time by driving while intoxicated. It’s vital people plan ahead. If you wait until you’ve been drinking to make a smart decision, you might not. Designate a sober driver, call a taxi, or use a rideshare service. Our law enforcement partners will be looking for impaired drivers.” They recommended revelers designate a sober driver and utilize taxis or rideshare services where possible. As of Monday, March 4, Iowa has seen 35 traffic fatalities so far this year, a decrease of 23.9 percent from last year but still slightly above the five-year low.

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