For the past six months, the curriculum team at Carroll Community School District has been researching, holding meetings with various education publishing companies in the search to find a new social studies curriculum for the middle and high school. Curriculum Coordinator Linsey Pick says McGraw Hill was the preferred choice among the social studies teachers at the district due to content and published items available.
The current curriculum used for the social studies teachings, which has a copyright date of 2006-07, does not currently meet the the inquiry standards. The quote from McGraw Hill comes in at just over $82,000 to accommodate for seven different social studies classes.
The district will have digital access to the curriculum for six years with this package. Steven Bieret, an eighth-grade social studies teacher, says now is the time to get something more updated.
The Board of Education approved on the purchase of the new curriculum, in addition to another set of 30 textbooks for each class, to ensure the district has enough resources for every student and teacher in the social studies program.