A Denison Elementary teacher has been awarded the 2024 Iowa STEM Teacher Award to recognize her work in promoting STEM education for her students and the Denison School District. Stephanie Prussing, the elementary school’s Educational Technology Instructor, was one of the six educators in Iowa to be granted this award from the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council from the Iowa Department of Education. Prussing was honored for her hard work in and outside of the classroom by creating special classes, a Tech Club, and an Engineering Cohort, getting the students and staff engaged by celebrating Computer Science Week, Hour of Code Celebration, and a STEM Night with stem-related learning activities. Prussing also assisted in a Computer Science in Elementary Mentorship Program, with invited teachers from surrounding schools to visit and participate in an AEA learning lab. Prussing was presented with a check for $3,000, half of which was for her to use in the classroom and the other for her personal use.