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Iowa Fuel Report: April 17, 2024


Motor fuel prices in Iowa were mostly unchanged over the past week, according to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and AAA-Iowa. As of Wednesday, April 17, the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was $3.32, down one cent on the week and 20 cents below prices from a year ago. The national average took a different tack, rising four cents to $3.66 per gallon. Retail diesel prices in Iowa held steady at $3.79 per gallon compared to $3.96 per gallon last year. The national average held 27 cents above local prices at $4.06 per gallon. Wholesale ethanol was unchanged from $2.16. In heating fuels, natural gas prices at the Henry Hub reporting site slid 21 cents to $1.67 per MMBtu.