The Carroll Community School District Board of Education met yesterday (Monday) evening, reviewing, and approving the final proposed transportation facility design, the negotiated agreements with the Carroll Education Association (CEA) and Carroll Education Support Association (CESA), and much more. The meeting began with two public hearings, one for the fiscal year (FY) 2025 certified budget and the next for the FY24 budget amendment. With no verbal or written comments from the public, the public hearings were closed. The following item was the approval of the final design of the new transportation facility. DLR Group presented a more in-depth design, discussing some adjustments to fit the district’s budget better. With the board’s approval, DLR will move into the construction documents phase, which will be created and sent to bid. More on the discussion of the transportation facility will be presented in future newscasts. The board accepted DLR’s recommendation of the quote from Terracon to provide geotechnical engineering services to test the soil and land where the new transportation facility will be placed to determine if the foundation will work with the conditions of the land. The quote came in at $11,750. The board reviewed administrative and personnel reports, donations to the school, request from Carroll Area Child Care Center (CACCC) for using a school bus, policy reviews, and sharing agreements with surrounding schools for employment and extra-curricular activities. The board approved the negotiations with CESA and CEA for the upcoming school year and the revisions to each school’s student/parent handbook, which will be featured in upcoming new stories. Finishing out the action items, the board approved job description revisions, the 2024 graduating list, summer school or credit recovery plan, and reviewed quotes for classroom locks at the middle school, additional cameras at the high school, and resurfacing the playground at Fairview Elementary. The members approved the FY25 budget and agreed to participate in a budget guarantee program, the FY24 budget amendment, and acceptance of the FY23 audit. The board has decided to meet this Thursday at noon at the same location at Adam’s Elementary for a special meeting to discuss items that could not make it to this agenda. That meeting is open to the public.