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Three Area Schools Have Stepped Up To Help The Minden/Tri-Center CSD Affected By The Recent Tornados

Three schools in the listening area have raised money, donated in-need items, or volunteered to help those in Minden or Tri-Center Community School District (CSD) affected by the damaging tornadoes. Ar-We-Va CSD collected the most requested items, like large trash bags, batteries, work gloves, allergy medication, non-perishable food items, and gift cards for gas or groceries. Audubon FFA and National Honor Society members traveled to three different sites in the Minden and Treynor areas yesterday (Wednesday). Sixty-five students and five adults from Audubon CSD or the community volunteered their time helping to clear fields of debris and clean up residential homes damaged by the storms. IKM-Manning collected money by having students and community members place donations in buckets in each school’s office. Throughout the week, the district and community raised $2,528 given directly to Tri-Center families in need. For those interested in volunteering or donating, a link has been provided below to connect with resources in Minden and the surrounding communities.

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