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The Carroll County Board Of Supervisors Moving Meeting To Tuesday For The Memorial Day Holiday


The Carroll County Board of Supervisors will meet for their regular scheduled meeting on Tuesday due to the Memorial Day Holiday on Monday. The meeting begins at 9:00 a.m. at the Swan Lake Education Center, with secondary roads starting the meeting with utility permits and drain updates. Following the approval of payables, permits, and plat(s), the members will acknowledge District 5 Supervisor Cindy Scaturico, effective June 14. Scaturico plans to move back to her home state of Virginia. The board will then approve a change order for the HVAC replacement, interior improvements at the courthouse, and joint drainage assessments. Members will review and approve Fricke building retaining wall quotes and the extension on the lease from the State Public Defender. Next will be the approval of the 28E Iowa Precinct Atlas Consortium withdrawal letter and the Maple River Wastewater system account discussion. The meeting will finish with manure management updates and committee reports. Again, the meeting will be on Tuesday at the Swan Lake Education Center, starting at 9:00 a.m., and the public is welcome to attend.