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Summer Break Means Beginning Of “100 Deadliest Days For Teen Drivers”


Summer break is now in full swing for students, which also means the start of the “100 Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers.” This period sees a spike in fatal crashes involving young drivers behind the wheel. AAA Spokesman Brian Ortner says, “The risk gets higher during the summer for teen drivers and everyone else they share the road with. Now that school is out or out soon, these young, inexperienced drivers will spend more time on the road with their friends.” According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about half of teen driver-related deaths occur during this period. From 2013 to 2022, nearly 6,700 people were killed, with 707 fatalities in 2022 alone—a 10 percent increase over pre-pandemic 2019. Ortner says, “The important thing to realize is the people killed in these crashes are not always the teen driver, but it can be their passengers or anyone else they encounter on the road. AAA shares this information to remind all drivers to stay alert while behind the wheel this summer. We also encourage parents to have a serious discussion with their teen about the importance of being a safe driver.” The most common causes of injury crashes for teen drivers include distracted driving, passenger interruptions, and speeding.