Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig urges Iowa families to visit and support the over 200 farmers markets across the state. These markets offer local fruits, vegetables, herbs, honey, cut flowers, eggs, meat, cheese, craft beer, and Iowa wine, among other fresh and prepared products. Naig says, “Farmers markets are wonderful events that can bring a community together. I’m excited that a growing number of vendors across the state are also Choose Iowa members. I encourage consumers to look for the Choose Iowa logo when they are searching for Iowa-grown, Iowa-raised and Iowa-made food, beverages and ag products.” Low-income seniors and WIC (Women, Infants, & Children) Program recipients can use Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) vouchers to purchase fresh, local produce at participating vendors. Eligible seniors can apply for vouchers through their Area Agency on Aging by calling 866-468-7887. A directory of community farmers markets and more information about the Farmers Market Nutrition Program can be found on our website using the links included below.