lang="en-US"> Supervisors Hear Quarterly Update From Carroll County Public Health – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Supervisors Hear Quarterly Update From Carroll County Public Health


The Carroll County Board of Supervisors heard a report this (Monday) morning from Carroll County Public Health on the department’s recent activities. Carroll County Public Health Nurse Maggie Pauley says they completed a review of the department’s policies last quarter, which hadn’t been updated since the county took over management of public health from St. Anthony Regional Hospital.

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Pauley says they also recently completed their countywide school and childcare immunization audit, which returned with a 100 percent certification rate. However, that figure does not represent the actual vaccination rate, as it does not include approved exemptions. Pauley says Carroll County has seen a rise in parents and guardians looking to opt out of mandated vaccines.

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Pauley and several other public health staff members also attended a “pod” training to prepare the department for emergency scenarios.

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Pauley adds that training was valuable, as it better prepares Carroll County Public Health to respond to large-scale emergency scenarios, such as the aftermath of severe weather or flooding. Pauley says the department is also working to have more county employees trained in CPR administration.

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Pauley adds they want to finish their county staff certifications before hosting classes for county residents and businesses, but that shouldn’t be too far down the line. Pauley also highlighted the installation of “Stop the Bleed” and first aid kits at local schools, the uptick in car seat checks for new parents, and the acquisition of Carter Kits, which are distributed to first responders for children with autism, attention deficit disorder, and other similar conditions for use during potentially overwhelming situations for those kids.