The Carroll County Board of Supervisors is scheduled to discuss potential resolutions to an ongoing dispute between the City of Carroll and residents in the two-mile radius surrounding the community subject to its zoning regulations. A 28E agreement between the city and county has existed for nearly three decades, giving the city oversight of zoning, permitting, and inspections in the two miles surrounding the town. According to city and county officials, the agreement exists for two reasons. The county does not have an employee solely dedicated to zoning compliance, and it allows Carroll to plan for long-term expansion. Residents in the two-mile zone argue they are subject to regulation by a government they have no say in electing, as they are excluded from voting for Carroll City Council positions. No action is anticipated at Monday’s meeting. The only other items on the agenda are an update from Carroll County Growth Partnership (CCGP) staff on the economic development group’s recent activities, utility permits, plats, payables, and committee reports. Monday’s meeting is open to the public and begins at 9 a.m. in the Carroll County Courthouse’s lower level. The agenda and links to the video live-stream are included below.