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Utility Companies Offer Safety Tips For Iowans Preparing For Additional Flooding


Utility companies are offering safety tips to Iowans impacted by the recent severe weather as they prepare for continued flooding in western Iowa. Companies are urging customers to remain vigilant and prepared as water levels rise. If you suspect flooding may impact your home or business, contact your utility provider directly to temporarily disconnect the gas and electric service for safety. Reconnection will be provided at no charge once it is safe. In emergencies, providers may disconnect services to ensure safety, and efforts to notify customers in advance will be taken whenever possible. If gas service is turned off, only a qualified technician should restore it. Do not attempt to relight pilot lights in gas appliances. Basements must be free of standing water before gas service can be safely reactivated. A professional must inspect appliances exposed to water before service restoration. As for electric service, customers can switch off circuit breakers before flooding. Unplug and move lower-level appliances to higher floors. Do not enter waterlogged basements or touch appliances in damp conditions, as active electric currents can pose safety hazards. Electrical wiring exposed to water requires inspection by a licensed electrician before service restoration. When in doubt about utilities, be it propane, natural gas, or electric, contact the providing company directly and refrain from attempting to repair or restore service on your own. Learn more using the links included below.
