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Mental Health Call Leads To Road Closure Near Swan Lake Tuesday Night


No injuries were reported after a mental health call led to road closures Tuesday night west of Swan Lake State Park. According to the Carroll Police Department, law enforcement received a mental health call at approximately 10:23 p.m. The caller reported a subject was suicidal and had left their home in a vehicle with a handgun. Carroll County Sheriff’s Office deputies located the individual near the intersection of 220th Street and Mahogany Avenue south of Carroll a short time later. The subject refused to exit their vehicle, and law enforcement opted to close Grant Road/Mahogany Avenue from Brookdale to 220th Street out of an abundance of caution. Law enforcement negotiated with the individual for approximately 40 minutes before surrendering. The subject was transported to St. Anthony Regional Hospital for an evaluation. Officers cleared the scene around 11:30 p.m.