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Carroll City Council Approves First Reading Of Amended Fencing Materials Ordinance

Earlier this week, the Carroll City Council approved the first reading of an ordinance amendment clarifying what materials may be used to construct permanent fencing in city limits. Carroll Fire Chief and Building Department Director Dan Hannasch says the issue first came to the city’s attention after residents contacted city staff about pallet fencing.

The city council reviewed a proposed amendment to this code section during its June 24 meeting but did not take any formal action on its adoption due to concerns about a lack of specificity regarding what are known as “garden fences.” Under the previous version, residents could declare their entire yard a garden and use non-standard materials for their fences. Hannasch says the amended version clears up that issue.

The ordinance specifically bans using pallets, scrap lumber and metal, snow fencing, or other materials not designed for fence construction. The council unanimously approved the first of three required readings at Monday’s meeting. Hannasch adds that the overwhelming majority of fences in Carroll will not be affected by the new ordinance, assuming it is adopted. However, fences out of compliance must be removed within 30 days of approval. The second reading is slated for the July 22 meeting, and the council could choose to waive the third reading at that time, which would make the ordinance effective once published the following week. The language for the fencing materials ordinance is included with this story on our website.


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