
Carroll County Supervisors Delay Land Gift To City Of Halbur For Trail Development Pending Clarification On Agreement – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Carroll County Supervisors Delay Land Gift To City Of Halbur For Trail Development Pending Clarification On Agreement

Photo Credit: Imagery ©Aibus, Maxar Technologies, USDA/FPAC/GEO, Map Data ©Google


The Carroll County Board of Supervisors is considering a gift of county-owned land to the City of Halbur for potential trail development. The board hosted a public hearing during its July 15 meeting regarding the property transfer and did not receive any comments from the public opposed to the county handing over the half-mile stretch of land just on the west side of Halbur. The supervisors were supportive of the move, but Board Chair Stephanie Haumsan and District 3 Supervisor Gene Meiners wanted clarification on whether the county had first right of refusal.

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Currently, the county owns the Halbur Ridge Wildlife Area, which is just a narrow strip of land along an old railroad line with a grass walking path. District 1 Supervisor Scott Johnson notes that the county did not receive a formal document detailing what the City of Halbur has planned for the area, which is typically standard procedure for transfers like this.

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Meiners notes the county has met the legal requirements for public notification for the proposed real estate transfer but recommended the supervisors hold off on formally authorizing it until they hear more from the City of Halbur about their plans and secure the county’s first right of refusal. The topic will be a point of discussion during the supervisors’ July 22 meeting.