
Union Pacific Works To Clear Derailment Near Glidden; Nearby Residents Describe The Experience – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Union Pacific Works To Clear Derailment Near Glidden; Nearby Residents Describe The Experience


Union Pacific crews are already actively working to clear the site of a train derailment that occurred yesterday (Monday) evening in Carroll County. According to a Union Pacific spokesman, an estimated 36 cars derailed about a mile east of Glidden shortly after 5 p.m. No injuries were immediately reported, and an investigation into the incident is underway. Two rural Glidden residents, Ralph and Connie Bock, were home when the derailment began. The Bocks have lived about a quarter-mile from the tracks for more than 40 years, so they are used to hearing all different kinds of train noise. However, Connie says this one was something else entirely.

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Connie says they can occasionally feel trains passing by, but not with the force the derailment carried. She was surprised by how long the noise persisted, lasting over a minute.

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The derailed cars were not carrying any hazardous materials, but that was not immediately apparent to the Bocks. Connie says that was a serious concern for them initially. Fortunately, those worries were alleviated within a few minutes. Union Pacific’s focus now is to get the mainline operational as quickly as possible. It is not clear how long that may take, but Union Pacific typically has blocked lines up and running within a few days. Photos from the derailment are included below.