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Gravel Dust Leads To Safety Concerns For Motorists Bypassing M66 Detour In SW Carroll County

Pictured: A listener shared this image with Carroll Broadcasting, highlighting how difficult spotting an oncoming vehicle is through the thick gravel dust.


An approximately 20-mile detour in southwestern Carroll County could remain in place for another nine weeks due to construction on County Road M66, but motorists attempting to take shortcuts is leading to safety concerns from county officials and residents in the area. The intersection on M66 west of Puck Custom Enterprises has been closed for the last several weeks, leading to the detour along U.S. Highway 71 and Iowa Highway 141, and construction will extend to the north of the intersection this week into Carroll County while crews complete shoulder regrading on Birch Avenue south of Manning. The traffic volume on nearby Concord Avenue has increased substantially since construction began as motorists find their own routes. Traffic is expected to remain high while the detour is active. Audubon and Carroll County secondary roads crews have applied dust control in the area, but it is having little effect, and a near-constant cloud of gravel dust hangs in the air. Officials understand the detour is long, but they request motorists stick to the posted detour route whenever possible to improve visibility for local traffic and limit degradation to the gravel road. The detour is expected to remain active until the contract end date of Oct. 15 or when the regrading work is done, whichever comes earlier.