The City of Coon Rapids is partnering up with Thomas Rest Haven (TRH) to potentially use a portion of the nursing home facility as a daycare center. At Monday’s City Council meeting, Frank’s Design Group, an architect firm based out of Glenwood, was approved to survey the section of TRH to see if a daycare facility would be feasible. City Clerk Jessica Leighty says this would not be a city-run daycare but would be available for daycare providers to rent from TRH. Frank’s Design Group will be coming in to view the north wing of the building and create a floor plan that meets state codes and standards. With TRH not being at max capacity, the long-term care center is looking to decertify that portion of the building will be utilized to fill a need that the community has addressed. Leighty says the north wing of the TRH facility has its entrance, so there would be no disruption to the residents in the nursing home portion of the building. Leighty says TRH staff have toured other facilities with the same structure, like the Children’s Nest and The Friendship Home in Audubon, and fully support the proposed idea. Leighty and city council members are also in favor of the idea, if feasible, as the inter-generational connection between the daycare and nursing home residents would be beneficial social skills to both groups. Frank’s Design Group wants to survey the building and have a floor plan design for the next city council meeting on Sept. 2.
Thomas Rest Haven Is Looking To Provide Space At Facility For Daycare Center