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Carroll County Supervisors To Review Seismic Testing Permits And Maple River Sewer System Debt At Aug. 12 Meeting


The Carroll County Board of Supervisors has only a few items on their agenda for their upcoming meeting on Monday. The board convenes at 9 a.m. in the meeting room at the Carroll County Courthouse. They’ll begin with reports from County Engineer Zac Andersen on the Secondary Roads Department, which include approval of a drain repair, permitting for planned seismic testing for underground hydrogen later this month, and construction status on County Road M66 south of Manning. Other items of note on Monday’s agenda include a contract with Sidwell for GIS mapping services, a discussion on how the county plans to manage outstanding debt for the Maple River sewer system, and manure management annual updates. The Monday, Aug. 12 meeting is open to the public and will be live-streamed via the county’s YouTube channel. Links to the agenda and video are included below.

