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Rep. Feenstra Named “Hero Of Main Street” By National Retail Federation


U.S. Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-Hull) was named a “Hero of Main Street” by the National Retail Federation for his efforts to support Iowa’s small businesses and rural communities. The recognition highlights Feenstra’s work on behalf of small businesses, which play a crucial role in the American economy. Feenstra says, “I’m honored to be recognized as a ‘Hero of Main Street’ for my work to help our small businesses and rural main streets succeed and thrive. Small businesses employ the vast majority of Americans and keep our rural communities strong. Serving on the House Ways and Means Committee, I’ve introduced and supported legislation to make the 20% tax cut for small businesses – authorized by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – permanent, eliminate the death tax, and help our businesses invest in their operations and employees. I will always be a strong voice for our job creators and rural main streets in Congress.” David French, Executive Vice President of Government Relations at the National Retail Federation (NRF), praised Feenstra, saying, “NRF is honored to recognize Rep. Randy Feenstra as a ‘Hero of Main Street’ for his continued support of the retail industry through legislative action and leadership.”