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USDA Report Shows Cool Start To August Didn’t Slow Crop Progress


Crop conditions were unaffected by the cooler-than-normal temperatures that have settled over the state this month, according to the latest Iowa Crop Progress and Condition Report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). For the week ending Aug. 11, farmers had 6.4 days suitable for fieldwork, which focused primarily on harvesting oats for grain, cutting and baling hay, and beginning preparations for the fall harvest season. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig says, “Iowans flocked to Des Moines during the first few days of the Iowa State Fair, setting an all-time single-day attendance record on Saturday thanks to beautiful weather. With favorable growing conditions expected to continue, USDA’s latest projections show record-breaking corn and soybean yield potential, all of which underscores the need to further develop new and existing markets for Iowa commodities.” Corn silking reached 96 percent, and 69 percent of the corn crop has reached the dough stage or beyond, one day behind last year but two days ahead of the five-year average. Seventeen percent of the corn crop has reached the dent state, three days ahead of normal. Corn conditions were rated 77 percent good to excellent. Ninety-four percent of soybeans were blooming, even with the five-year average. Soybeans setting pods reached 74 percent, five days behind last year and two days behind the five-year average. Soybean conditions measured 77 percent good to excellent. Topsoil moisture conditions were rated 23 percent short to very short, 72 percent adequate, and five percent surplus. Subsoil moisture conditions rated 19 percent short to very short, 77 percent adequate, and four percent surplus. The complete report is available online at